December 6, 2011

Sinulog 2012 Best musicality


1. The use of indigenous or creative instruments from native materials like bamboos, leaves, woods, etc., is highly encouraged.

2. The composition must be within the minimum of twenty (20) and a maximum of thirty (30) drummers / instrumentalist. An excess will merit the five (5) point deduction from the total score.

3. As an integral part of the contingent, instrumentalists must be in proper attire relevant to the interpretation of their chosen theme / concept.


  • Musicality -30%
    Variation, contrast of musical levels / dynamics
  • Creativity -20%
    Use of native materials
  • Showmanship -20%
    Group execution & coordination.
  • Discipline -20%
    Behavior, spacing & alignment.
  • Costume -10%
    Relevant to the theme / concept / motif.

Total -100%


  • P 50,000.00 & trophy

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